Cultural Competency Tools
What is "Cultural Competency"? What does it do?
Members of vulnerable populations face many and diverse challenges in getting assess to the healthcare they need. Some of those challenges arise because they have healthcare needs that are different from the non-vulnerable population, or specific to their issue, or the combined effects of various factors that comprise their situation.
Do I need to do the training?
It cannot hurt to look at the resources, or complete a training, and can only but enrich your understanding of the members of the vulnerable populations, empower you in connecting with them and helping them assess the healthcare they need, as well as enable you to participate in the learning and empowering of vulnerable patients in understanding their health issues, their needs, and their ability to obtain care.
How can I see these resources?
We have compiled here all the cultural competency training tools that our LIPs have found, used, or developed in the course of the IMPACT project, that is: developing Local Innovation Partnerships and implementing them, as well as designing, implementing and evaluating our 6 context-specific organizational interventions in Primary Health Care to improve the access to quality healthcare for vulnerable populations. We invite you to consult these resources, adapt them to your needs, as well as to share them with us so we can all participate in a wide-reach capacity building strategy to increase the knowledge and the skills of various communities and individuals of vulnerable populations, who work with these populations, or who work to reduce health inequity.
You can also connect with us if you have any questions about these resources, how to use them, or if you have suggestions for other resources for our website.
Culturally Connected is a resource for health professionals “using a cultural humility framework."Three main sections:
- Introduction to Cultural Humility
- Developing Skills: Cultural Humility in Practice, Health Literacy, Exploring Culture and Health
- Putting it into Practice: Models to guide interactions between providers and patients
“An initiative that works with employers to enhance their capacity to effectively integrate skilled immigrants into the workplace”
Cross Cultural Competency Training for Employers contains seven modules; some of which may be appropriate for our navigators e.g. Effective Cultural Adaptation Strategies. These organizations may offer training suitable for providers, but likely need to be adapted to primary care context.
The LASI World Skills: Workplace Culture Training program aims to "provide learners with a foundation of cultural understanding as well as specific tools necessary to develop cross-cultural competence and effectiveness. Training goals include fostering the process of developing concepts and skills that facilitate changes in attitude and behavior” - LASI World Skills, 201-219 Argyle Ave, Ottawa ON CANADA K2P 1H4
Healthcare Hotspotting, project of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, is the strategic use of data to reallocate resources to a small subset of high-needs, high-cost patients. It is designed to work for the average patient and to help extreme patients, or outliers – the small number of patients with complex, hard-to-manage needs and chronic conditions, by using data to discover the outliers, understand the problem, dedicate resources, and design effective interventions.
Healthcare Hotspotting is a new system of multi-disciplinary, coordinated care that treats the whole patient and attends to the non-medical needs that affect health: housing, mental health, substance abuse, emotional support.
The SEHPA is an organization that support primary care & delivering quality education. This organization has developed various resources to support health care professionals manage the healthcare for people with intellectual and associated developmental disabilities. Resources include:
Care for vulnerable patients - clinical case scenario
Useful organisations and resources for GPs
Improving the healthcare of people with disabilities - PowerPointPresentation
Accessing mental health services for people with intellectual disabilities - Fact Sheet