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Local Innovation Partnerships

Connecting partnerships and projects


Evidence generated from the four Projects and from the activities undertaken within the partnerships are informing each other.


Project 1 is based on the scoping of organisational interventions to optimise access to PHC for vulnerable populations. The results from Project 1 have provide partnerships with an understanding of the breadth of current organisational interventions in PHC access and contextual elements related to their implementation; and, the partnerships have inform Project 1 to help ensure that the range of the scoping review captures the aspects of organisational intervention deemed relevant by the partners. Each LIP will then develop contextually relevant interventions based on the following sources of information: local problem finding; community assessment; past experience; existing interventions and realist reviews. 


Following the scoping, and in collaboration with each partnership, project 2 team conducted a realist review process on promising organisational interventions to be implemented in each partnership (6). This project will provide knowledge about the effectiveness and their potential for scalability within the LIPs.


Project 3 has help us generate understanding of key contextual factors likely to influence access-related interventions. In order to achieve this, quantitative data has been reanalysed from the Commonwealth fund International Health Policy Surveys (2013-2014) to assess the equity of access to PHC. We have study the association of access to PHC and vulnerability to identify jurisdictions that have had success in dealing with this issue and organisational innovations that might be associated with access.


The last project of this research program includes adapting, implementing and evaluating promising organisational interventions. Project 4 aims to: 1) adapt and implement the selected organisational intervention in the LIPs; 2) and evaluate the intervention developed with our partners.

Overview of the selected intervention in....



IMPACT Research Program

Health Access

IMPACT Research Program

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